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Monday news, the second part:

Boneraiser Minions gives the Diablo Necromancer fantasy a roguelike twist
Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a screen packed with enemies, feeling overwhelmed and outgunned, and thought to yourself "boy, I sure wish a friendly horde of skeletons, zombies, and pumpkinhead guys was fighting on my behalf so I could focus on picking up milkbones instead of shooting?" If so, Boneraiser Minions would like a word.

Ooblets is oobing its full 1.00B release in Septoobler
After two years in early access and six years in development, Ooblets is doing a casual cha-cha into full release on September 1st, 2022. The whimsically casual and cute Ooblets is a combination of creature-collecting, farming, and life sim with a funky story and a lot of weirdo characters to meet. The quirky adventure comes by way of indie developer/publisher duo, Glumberland.

A retro publisher is updating Ikki, which literally defined the bad yet fun game
Reviewing the video game Ikki in the mid-1980s, Jun Miura coined a new word: kusoge, literally meaning crap game—or in modern translation: "shit game." Kusoge became a rallying cry of gamers ever since, used in Japan as a widespread label for the games they loved to hate. The games so bad, so janky, that they somehow became good. In the 40 years since, bad games have become an art form.
Now original Ikki publisher Sunsoft is bringing back Ikki in a revised release called Ikki Unite, set to release on Steam before the end of 2022. Sunsoft hopes Ikki Unite will be closer to the original design vision of Ikki, primarily by expanding its previous two cooperative players to 16, letting you stage a proper peasant uprising. So get ready to fight monkeys and locusts and ninjas with clubs, sickles, and bamboo spears.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits Steam release will include a big anniversary update
Gorgeously animated action-adventure journey Kena: Bridge of Spirits will come to Steam next month, and will get a pretty hefty Anniversary update to boot. The 2021 action game was released on the Epic Games store, but comes to Steam on September 27th. This was detailed in a new trailer, posted to YouTube.

This lo-fi horror game basically has you playing an extra in the X-Files
Like Security Booth: Director's Cut's indie horror contemporary, The Mortuary Assistant, it isn't just the job simulator its laconic title might imply. There's an undercurrent of horror and intrigue to the seemingly mundane premise that really makes it sing. The first person horror game launched in expanded form on Steam on August 19.

Y'all seen this fashion police game where you shoot people with a sewing machine?
You might have missed this when it came out the other week, but Fashion Police Squad is a delightfully colorful little arena shooter from the indie devs at Mopeful Games. In it you're Sergeant Des, and with sewing machine gun in hand you're charged with uncovering a conspiracy of fashion crimes.

You might have missed Hell Pie, a gross-out 3D platformer that spits in God's face
Sometimes a game asks a fundamental, philosophical question that humans have struggled with since the dawn of time. Like, "What is the best way to get to the top of this towering fountain of liquid feces, and why is it by swinging from a fat cherub on a chain?"
Combining a surprisingly adroit 3D platformer with an absolute dump truck full of potty humor, Hell Pie puts you in the capable hooves of Nate, the Demon of Bad Taste. Called during a lull in his busy day by his stern but groovy boss, Satan, Nate finds himself in the unenviable position of being responsible for gathering the ingredients for the lord of darkness's birthday pie.

Destiny x Fortnite crossover datamined
Exploding out of the Destiny 2 datamining scene this weekend is an utterly unexpected crossover: Destiny 2 and Fortnite. Destiny 2 dataminer Ginsor has posted a screenshot to Twitter of what pretty credibly looks like Fortnite-inspired armor sets for Destiny 2. The skins look to be extremely Destiny-fied versions of Black Knight, Catalyst, and Omega skins.

We like how you can watch dancing in PUBG's 19.1 patch
Okay so embedded above and on YouTube there's the trailer for PUBG: Battlegrounds (opens in new tab)' 19.1 patch, where they added a bunch of neat guns and equipment and their Assassin's Creed crossover. The new update takes players back to the map Haven, and infuses it with some neato new weapons that fill cool niches and an Assassin's Creed crossover that puts nefarious company Abstergo in the spotlight.
However, I would like to draw attention to this feature of the new patch. The one where you can watch other peoples' teams pull off their sick dance moves, complete with getting tuned in to their music and having your character cheer them on.

Build giant monsters out of parts and battle them in Kaiju Klash
Sometimes, a tremendous battle of gigantic monsters is exactly what you need. Godzilla incinerating Tokyo with his atomic breath, King Kong absconding with beautiful women, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man stomping on New York (I say he's an honorary kaiju, come at me).
They've long been a source of inspiration for games large and small, so much so that there's even a kaiju-themed game jam hosted by One of the entries features the best name for a videogame in the history of videogames—a kaiju dating sim called Let's Smash.

Slime Rancher 2 wrangles its way onto PC next month
Slime Rancher 2, the sequel to Monomi Park's 2017 hit about farming amorphous gelatinous blobs, will squelch onto PC in early access in September.
It's a direct sequel to the original game, continuing the slime wrangling adventures of Beatrix LeBeau, and featuring a similar mixture of exploration, building, farming, and of course, collecting sparkling slime poo to sell for cash. But Slime Rancher 2 will move away from the first game's setting of the Far Far Range, to a new location named Rainbow Island. It's also significantly prettier than the original, which was pleasant enough visually, but had fairly basic environments.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.