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hinch said:
Captain_Yuri said:

Yea and it's only going to get worse with big successes like Genshin Impact and now Tower of Fantasy. And with Sonys investor meeting showing they are gonna spend big money on GaaS, it's gonna continue to be very urghh.

Least on the brightside, GaaS won't automatically mean the games will be a success. Like how the Avengers flopped when SE tried and they made GotG which was incredible. Hopefully this will happen with other companies as well and most importantly, they learn from it. Cause there's only so much room for GaaS even if the market is pretty big.

Yeah, its frustrating to see as I have no interest in them and these types of projects take away resources that could go towards games I want to play. Like CD and Avengers was a perfect example and Bioware - and yeah GotG was awesome. Take them from making games they enjoy making and doing to something they have no clue about and people have little interest for; unless it somehow manages to be a hit with Twitch and streamers.

Its a bit like a company shunting existing customers trying to appeal to a new audience. Most of the time it isn't going to work and in some cases backfire in the long term, and may damage the image of the dev.

I'd say its already getting there to saturation point with Fornite, Warzone, Apex, GTAO, Genshin etc taking up their respective genres etc. Others just seem to bang and fizzle fast. Hopefully the bubble will burst and most projects fail and all major publishers rethink going this route and go back to focusing on making new good content.

Unfortunately.. looking at how much people spend on MTX's on the mobile and freemium model I don't hold much hope. Just look at Diablo Immortal... Urrggh.

That's pretty much the new go-to model today. Why work your ass off to appeal to an existing/loyal audience, when you can cater to a brand new one that both doesn't care about what you've made previously or what little quality you have now, or even what rep you had before.

I've noticed that some new or existing indie devs that take up EGS bribes simply do not care about trying to get a proper foot in the door, or trying to appeal to their existing audience (like on Steam/GoG for example), and instead opt for quick money "fuck you, got mine" mentality, and it's just straight up damaging to the industry to see that sort of shit going on and on. 

Like we're seeing a slight resurgence for the RTS genre, and EA still doesn't give two shits about making a brand new C&C game. Like what is it going to take for them to realise that the RTS userbase still hasn't died off, and still wants more games?. 

I miss when games were made to entertain and just because devs were interested in making fun games, instead of today where it is purely about career pushing for bigger profits (even indie devs are falling head first into that giant pit). 

Last edited by Chazore - on 21 August 2022

Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.