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JEMC said:

The rumor about the performance of the 7600X is, indeed, too good to be true. Even more so when AMD said the performance jump would be what, arount 10-15%?

Yeah. It's not going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I would upgrade in a heartbeat if it was the case... But it's the hype game all over again.

Every time a new CPU/GPU/Component/Console releases that has an avid fan base, there is a degree over sensationalist, over-hyping to make it out to be the next coming of Jesus.

It's just not the case.

Although with DDR5 thrown into the mix, bandwidth limited scenarios could see some significant uplifts if the memory controller is effective... And I assume it will be as AMD isn't keeping silicon around for DDR4, so more goes to DDR5.

JEMC said:

And Navi 31 getting fater VRAM is possible, and would bring a bump in performance, no doubt about that. The epecs that RTG claim, however, are harder to believe, especially since they include a 7975XT that comes out of nowhere.

Faster Ram is expected. They always push that boundary for every single GPU release. Heck even most CPU releases.

It's frustrating to see these Youtube channels that "talk" about every single possible rumor.
Majority of them end up being wrong, but the few they do get right, they will advertise and try to boost their channels credability to garner more subscribers to make money.
Just remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Or they "talk" about the blatant obvious. I.E. Faster Ram.

And people seem to lap it up. Baffles the mind.

Bofferbrauer2 said:

Yeah, unless it's a specific IT class there won't be any computer rooms anymore

However, schools (at least here) tend to buy a new laptop to every student for the education cycle they're in (primary, lower, median, higher), so that's 4 laptops per student when before schools shared the same hardware for many different classes, so all in all there are more processors sold now than back then. As such, I consider Gelsinger's argument with the schools as just a stupid excuse.

Some schools will actually hand them out to students for free on a per-needs basis here... It's still cheaper than running giant computer rooms in the short and long terms too.

Yeah it is a stupid excuse. The types of devices students are using have changed, the number of CPU's needed haven't... If anything it has increased as the worlds population has increased... The silicon shortage has exposed that limitation... And Intel floundered on that opportunity and it's competitors have profited big time. (ARM, AMD, APPLE.)

Last edited by Pemalite - on 30 July 2022

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