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JEMC said:
Zkuq said:

What I'd really like for some games if an analog stick for movement with mouse for aiming. There are certainly issues with that though, I would imagine (button placement and software support come to mind). I'm not going to play a game with a controller if it requires aiming and if I can choose to use a keyboard and mouse, but there are times I wish I could use an analog stick for movement. Metal Gear Solid V comes to mind first, because there's a certain useful movement speed you simply cannot use with a keyboard, but at the same time, aiming is important too.

What you're asking for kind of already exists, but they're far from popular. What's more, they've existed for a while, during the PS360 era (when shooters became too much popular), you could find things like this, the FragFX:

Nowadays, the best you can find, and probably more practical and of better quality, is something like the Razer Tartarus V2, that gives  you the choise to use your own mouse:

I even found a review of it, on Tom's Guides:,review-5013.html

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