The Friday news! Yay!
Fanatical has no new sales, but it has two things going on:
- During the weekend, using the code PAYDAYJUL22 or the code FANATICAL18, you'll get 7 and 18% discounts on your games. I wish there was a page explaining it better, but I only have this screen capture
- Also, if you add 5 or more games to your Fanatical wishlist, you'll enter a contest to win one of the 10 $50 to spend on the store. Learn more here:
You can use those sweet new Nintendo 64, NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis controllers on Steam now
Steam Input now supports those lovely new Nintendo Online classic controllers, thanks to yesterday's patch. Steam Input is Valve's built-in software for letting people use whatever controller they like, and mapping the buttons and functions properly so a game recognizes them even if it only officially supports the Xbox gamepad.
The Nintendo Online controllers are re-releases of the classic Nintendo 64, NES, SNES, and Sega Genesis/Mega Drive controllers. They're for sale on Nintendo's online shop (though often sold out), and were intended to be used with Switch's subscription service, but the Switch uses Bluetooth, not some proprietary wireless tech. So clearly someone at Valve did what we were all thinking and made them work on PC. (Thanks, anonymous engineer.)
Steam bans award logos and review scores in key art images
It's not uncommon to see a Steam game's key art overcrowded with award logos, review scores, and discount text. It's a way for publishers and developers to convey that their game is worth considering, but it can also be annoying at best, misleading at worst. To eliminate both annoyance and potentially suspect behavior (ie, award logos for awards that may not exist, or review scores from sites that are a little dodgy), Steam has imposed a new rule that will do away with them entirely.
Half-Life: Incursion, wave-based combat mod for Half-Life Alyx, is now available for download
A team of modders has released a new mod for Half-Life Alyx, called Half-Life Incursion. According to its description, Half-Life: Incursion is a wave-based combat mod for this latest VR HL game.
In Half-Life: Incursion, players will test their skills in VR against an onslaught of Combine soldiers, collect resin to upgrade their weapons, and explore to find secrets and resources.
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Mission Maker V1.6 available for download
HorusPublishingGTA has released a brand new version of the Mission Maker Mod for Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. According to the release notes, this new version adds walking styles for actors, more animations, and advanced traffic settings.
In case you weren’t aware, Mission Maker allows you to create your own missions in San Andreas, featuring a user-friendly interface, great features and stability.
Someone made P.T. inside Halo Infinite's leaked Forge mode
As Halo Infinite continues to release in delayed chunks, players have discovered a way to access an unfinished version of Forge mode in the latest co-op campaign test flight. Some players have apparently had access to Forge tools for weeks and one in particular is already making some really impressive stuff.
May I introduce you to: the Silent Hills P.T. demo's iconic hallway, created by Forge-er and cosplayer Death Templar.
Dinosaur survival horror adventure game, The Lost Wild, gets new in-engine trailer
In October 2021, we informed you about a new first-person survival horror adventure game with dinosaurs, called The Lost Wild. And today, Annapurna Interactive announced that it will publish this game in 2024. Moreover, the publisher shared a new in-engine trailer that you can find below.
Star Citizen – Alpha 3.17.2 increases server capacity to 100 players & implements AI Planetary Nav Mesh
Cloud Imperium Games today released Star Citizen – Alpha 3.17.2, bringing new content and features to the expanding ‘verse. Alpha 3.17.2 introduces the all-new Siege of Orison dynamic event, expands explorable derelict ships and outposts, implements the first iteration of AI Planetary Nav Mesh, adds the drivable Anvil Centurion anti-aircraft vehicle, and more.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.