gtotheunit91 said: Xenoblade fans have been feasting throughout the Switch generation and it will continue :)
We can thank former NOE President for that I think it was Tabata but correct me if I'm wrong. During the Wii era NOE were on fire because of him and localising XBC, TLS and Pandora were highlights of his run before he was recalled after Iwata's passing. XBC had a roller-coaster start which is bizarre for the game that solved the JRPG problem of how to progress in the modern era back then, most games that are genre stand outs explode onto the scene but Reggie didn't want to touch the game thankfully Tabata did and the determination of NA players paid off.
I really wish Nintendo would revisited Pandora again as it was a nice little 3d Metroidvania it had some serious SOTC and Castlevania vibes.