Captain_Yuri said:
Yea the crazy part is the i5 uses about the same power as a 5950x. Like hello? Where's muh efficiency??? I get if the i9 uses crazy power but a mid ranged chip shouldn't be that high. Imo they should release an overclock-able i5 that's 6 cores 12 threads only but obviously make it cheaper than the ones with E-cores. Then we can have a good budget CPU that doesn't require too much power. It's insane that an i5 + 4070 will use nearly 500 watts of power if not more. |
if asked why the 13600 uses more power than a 5950X, Intel will counter with a "because it's faster", or some other silly excuse. And yes, 500W for that hardware combination is very, very worrying.
I'd love for Intel to release such OC-able 6c/12t CPU, but we all know that it would eat the sales of the xx600 and xx700 CPUs, and so they won't launch it.
TallSilhouette said:
Which ones? |
Well, since the theme has already appeared in this discussion, the statement that a woman and a trans woman (a man transitioned to woman, if I'm correct) are the same. No, they're not. They both should be treated with the same respect, but they are nowhere near the same, biologically speaking.
Same goes for trans men.
And I'll leave kids aside, because some of their parents leave a lot to be desired.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.