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Thursday news, part two:

No NFTs in Minecraft, Mojang says
Mojang has drawn a line in the sand against NFTs in Minecraft, saying in an update posted today that NFT integration with the game is "generally not something we will support or allow."
The update begins with a quick rundown of what NFTs are, including a note about their extreme volatility, before laying out the current policies on Minecraft servers. The overall goal of those policies, Mojang said, is "to ensure that Minecraft remains a community where everyone has access to the same content." NFTs, on the other hand, are specifically designed to "create models of scarcity and exclusion," which obviously conflicts with that principle. And so, they're out.

This typing sim from hell has you writing buzzword-filled emails for eternity
Mondays: A Sisyphean Typing Game is a free-to-play typing sim that has you copy randomly generated intercompany emails packed with meaningless buzzwords. To demonstrate the fruitlessness of your tasks, each letter you type pushes a massive boulder a tiny fraction up a hill that only grows steeper. Get a letter wrong and there's no backspace—you immediately roll back down the hill with your boulder and have to start again. Rise and grind.

Rockstar posts hundreds of new job listings and we bet they're for Grand Theft Auto 6
You've probably heard that Rockstar is working on "a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series," which until we get a proper and official title we are calling Grand Theft Auto 6. We expect that the release is still a long way off, optimistically 2024, and maybe even further down the road for PC players. But work on the project appears to be spinning up in earnest, because Rockstar is very suddenly looking to hire a small city of people.

EVE Online's most notorious player has quit the game
The Mittani, a legendary and polarizing figure in the sprawling sci-fi MMO EVE Online, is reportedly stepping down from his positions as CEO of the GoonWaffe corporation and executor of the Goonswarm Federation, in-game organisations (although in EVE, the line between the game and real life is blurred) that control a significant portion of in-game space. The resignation comes amidst allegations that the Mittani failed to adequately address persistent sexual harassment and misconduct in the organization.
>> For most of us, this story isn't relevant or important, but for EVE Online players it most definitely is.

WoW Classic's Wrath of the Lich King will let you play as a Death Knight from the off
The Wrath of the Lich King will soon be launching for World of Warcraft Classic, which is a big deal because this expansion arguably marked WoW's greatest era. Blizzard has previously said that, with this expansion, the studio would be moving away from the 'no changes' principle WoW Classic had initially begun with towards 'some changes' in the best interests of players and with hindsight.

Neopets has been hacked and data for almost 69M accounts appears to be up for sale
Neopets, a popular virtual pet-keeping browser game born of the late '90s, has been victim of a data breach. Hackers claiming to be behind the attack say they have personal account info of more than 69 million members, along with a bunch of the site's source code, and are willing to sell the data off for a fee.
>> Scumbags.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.