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Part two of the news:

As longtime Star Wars: The Old Republic creative director leaves, Bioware says it's 'committed' to the game's future
Charles Boyd, creative director of Star Wars: The Old Republic and a 16-year Bioware veteran, has announced his departure from the game and studio. Bioware released a statement thanking Boyd, and took the opportunity to both reaffirm its commitment to the game, and lay out a five-person 'design leadership team' who'll shape its future.

First glimpses of Yakuza 8 appear on monitors in Sega office video
Japanese mixed martial artist Mikuru Asakura took a jaunt down to Sega's development HQ recently, and while there managed to grab the world its first tantalising glimpse of Yakuza 8.

Bloodlines 2 'is in good hands' but won't appear at this year's PDXCon
We recently included Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 (opens in new tab) on our list of games that we can't believe are still in development. We haven't heard anything substantial about it since early 2021, after all—we don't even know which studio is working on it at this point. But Fredrik Wester, CEO of publisher Paradox Interactive, recently said, again, that everything is fine.

Bungie levels multimillion lawsuit against cheating pest who threatened developers to 'keep your doors locked'
Bungie's general counsel certainly keeps busy, and recent years has seen the studio take an increasingly aggressive approach towards would-be cheaters, hackers, and malicious jerks. It's perhaps no surprise that a studio which is one of the pioneers of a truly live service approach to game development should also take point on dealing with some of the inevitable problems around bad actors, and this particular target is a doozy.
A lawsuit filed in Seattle district court sees Bungie taking aim at one Luca Leone, who the Destiny 2 developer alleges of creating multiple accounts to evade bans, livestreaming himself cheating, and threatening the developers' employees.

Into the Breach launches free Advanced Edition update
Into the Breach: Advanced Edition, the major free update to our 2018 Ultimate Game of the Year, is now live on Steam, and that means we can now lay our eyes on the full rundown of everything that's changed.
>> Not only on Steam but also GOG.

Leaked Total War: Warhammer 3 DLC factions confirmed as the Champions of Chaos
Last week, an update on the upcoming Immortal Empires campaign for Total War: Warhammer 3 accidentally leaked a DLC adding four factions with wonderfully Warhammer names to the Chaos race's roster. They're called the Ecstatic Legions, the Fecundites, Legion of the Gorequeen, and Puppets of Misrule. (I'm pretty sure I used to own a Metallica EP with a live version of Puppets of Misrule on it.) Creative Assembly has confirmed the leak was accurate, announcing the Champions of Chaos Lords Pack.

Lost Ark's new card-throwing arcanist class is basically Gambit from the X-Men
The latest class to join Korean fashion-fantasy MMO Lost Ark is the arcanist, a third advanced class for mages alongside the existing bard and sorceress. Arcanists are part of July's Spells in Spades update, which also adds support effects to make climbing the item levels faster, higher difficulty levels for the Valtan Legion Raid and Abyssal Dungeons, a pool party event with water pistols, and beach-themed cosmetics.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

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