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Tuesday news, part two:

EVE: Valkyrie blinks out of existence in a few weeks
Earlier this month, CCP rather snuck out the announcement that it would be ending support for EVE: Valykrie, the once-heralded VR space shooter that was an early demonstration of the technology's potential, alongside its non-VR version, Warzone. For a game that's mainly about PvP dogfighting, the end is nigh.

EA says LGBTQIA+ identities 'are a fact of life, not a toggle to be switched on and off' in The Sims
Electronic Arts says that it will not add a toggle to The Sims 4 that will let players disable a new, incoming feature that will allow them to select the sexual orientation of their Sims through three prompts.
Currently, who your Sim is attracted to can shift with gameplay and they will "WooHoo," to use the Sims vernacular, with any gender. But an update coming later this month will give players the ability to set various options including whether their Sim is attracted to men, women, both, or neither.

Monkey Island in-game footage shows off the remake's controversial new art direction
The first reveal of Return to Monkey Island gameplay earlier this month did not go as planned: A day later, Monkey Island creator Ron Gilbert said he wouldn't be talking about the new game anymore because of the "personal attack comments" arising from its updated visual style. But Gilbert's Monkey Island cohort Dave Grossman has a somewhat different approach to the matter.
Grossman shared a 10-second clip of Return to Monkey Island gameplay earlier today on Twitter, showcasing hero Guybrush Threewood walking between buildings. And, yeah, that's it. Enter stage left, exit stage right.

Activision further embraces Steam with official publisher homepage
Activision is coming back to Steam in a big way in 2022. We've known for a while now that the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be the first CoD to arrive on Steam since 2017, but it looks like Activision is getting ready for its grand return by gussying itself up with an official publisher homepage.

There's now a $20,000 bounty for anyone who can achieve the impossible in Halo 2
If you have an abundance of time and a talent for Halo 2, you might be in with a chance of winning a five-figure bounty. All you have to do is achieve something that's never been done before in history.
Streamer Charlie 'Cr1tikal' White is offering $20,000 to anyone who can achieve a full 'Legendary All Skulls On' (LASO) playthrough of Halo 2 Anniversary without dying. That means a max difficulty playthrough with (almost) every modifier activated, whose effects range from 'your foes have more health' to 'all enemies are invisible now'. The only modifier you have to keep deactivated is the 'Envy' skull, which replaces your torch with an active camouflage system. Good luck.

Dead Cells promises 2023 will be 'by far our biggest year' since launch
Developers Motion Twin and Evil Empire have supported Dead Cells in seriously impressive fashion since the game's launch way back in 2018. Players have enjoyed a wealth of free updates alongside a smattering of paid-for DLC expansions, but most enjoyable of all is that the creators don't just add more stuff. Instead, they try to come up with a new mechanic or idea that whole new runs can be built around.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.