By the way, in case someone reads something about this and gets confused:
The price of ethereum rises by over 48% but miners are still selling their GPUs. Here's why
In the last week alone, the price of Ethereum has risen by over 29%, and in the last month has gone up more than 48% (opens in new tab) from its low $994 on June 20 this year. For everyone super-excited about the collapse of cryptocurrencies, specifically those that have held modern graphics cards hostage for the past two years, that's got to be a concern.
But actually it's possibly not worth getting too worried about the supposed thawing of this crypto winter. There's a good chance that the price of ethereum has been rising to such an extent precisely because it will soon not need those GPUs to function as a digital currency. And by soon we're talking about potentially September 19, 2022.
Even though the price has been spiking recently, the number of miners punishing their graphics cards with the ETH algorithm hasn't gone up at the same level. in fact the global ethereum hash rate (opens in new tab) has effectively stabalised post crash. So yeah, they're still listing their cards on ebay. Or their local equivalent.
Let's hope they don't delay the change again.
Last edited by JEMC - on 18 July 2022Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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