Semi watched that Jaytwocents "DON'T WAIT!!! ACT NOW!" video and wth.. thats some terrible advice. Buying a high end GPU now is probably the worst time to do it. Not sure if he's being serious or just straight up shilling there.
Telling people to don't think and run out and buy two year old overinflated GPU's now when we're so close to Ada/RDNA 3 launch is just.. smh. These GPU's are sitting there in stockpiles due to crash in mining and peoples lack of interest in them. And only recently gone back to its original prices. The prices are going to get lower closer to launch when people start to panic sell. And much lower by the end of the year.
Besides that prices are already crazy enough as it is, never mind these GPU manufacturers thinking they can get away with selling their 2 year old GPU tech for MSRP.