Thursday news, part two:
Lollipop Chainsaw producer tries to quell fan nervousness around remake
Since it was announced that Lollipop Chainsaw was getting a remake, there's been a mixture of excitement and apprehension amongst the community, myself included. (...)
Yoshimi Yasuda, producer on the original and at the helm of its remake, has attempted to put to rest some of the lingering anxieties from the community. He shared a lengthy statement on Twitter containing the team's "thoughts and intentions" regarding the Lollipop Chainsaw remake.
Army of Darkness comes to Evil Dead: The Game as a free update
I think Saber Interactive's Evil Dead: The Game caught us all by surprise. In fact, we even said so in our review, noting that B-movie franchises tend to be grist for quick, lazy cash-grabs. But it turned out to be really good: "The game is absolutely exhilarating—one of the true left-field sleepers of 2022," we declared, slapping an outstanding 85% score on it.
It was a nice surprise for sure, and now here's another: Today's rollout of the free update that will send players to Castle Kandar, the setting for the cult classic zombie flick Army of Darkness.
Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 are returning to sale
The very first Metal Gear launched on July 13, 1987—exactly 35 years ago today. As part of its big anniversary celebration, Konami has announced that two of the oldest games in the series—Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3—are going back on sale.
Immortality, the new cinematic mystery from Her Story creator Sam Barlow, is delayed
Immortality, the upcoming "interactive movie trilogy" from Her Story and Telling Lies creator Sam Barlow, has been delayed. It had been slated to arrive later this month—July 26, to be precise—but Barlow said on Twitter today that the launch has been delayed until the end of August.
EA kills off BioWare Points, making old Mass Effect and Dragon Age DLC free
In an email EA seems to be sending people with BioWare Points still in their account, the publisher has announced the system is finally ending: "We're reaching out to let you know that starting October 11, 2022, BioWare Points will no longer be available as a form of currency in the Origin store. Other currencies like Crystals and Platinum in other BioWare titles remain unaffected."
Some of the add-ons for classic BioWare RPGs that could previously only be bought with BioWare points are now available for free. You can log into Origin and grab DLC for Dragon Age: Origins, Dragon Age 2, Mass Effect 2, and Mass Effect 3 by selecting the games in your library, clicking on Extra Content, then selecting Get it Free for each one.
>> Awesome news from EA! Guess I'll have to play them again in the near future, but now with the DLCs.
This D&D inspired game's AI image generator is now free for all
I love me a good AI Dungeon session, and I'm happy to announce the devs have just made their AI image generator free to use with the base AI. At the same time though, it looks like the free version now includes ads so, swings and roundabouts.
Please excuse my bad English.
Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070
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