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Trying to get Fallout 76 to play nice is like me trying to fly to the moon, an impossible dream...

Though I do appreciate modders for what they do, as well as their insight into the inner workings of said game/engine, but this fruitcake seems full of it and practically excuses bethesda by claiming the game's settings are "beyond ultra" of any other game out there:

I'm not even running the game on ultra or anything, I've only got textures on Ultra to force more GPU usage (it's still stuck at around 45% while the CPu is at 30%), everything else is on medium to low (shadow distance is always set to low for me when it comes to Beth games, because that's just a thing most ppl in the know do).

I just wish bethesda's games ran decent to nicely, because I love Fallout 3,NV,4 and a bit of 76, Oblvion and Skyrim, but they all seem to run like crap somewhere down the road, even when you're sporting better HW in the future. I can play other older games or current titles with less issues than trying to run any other Beth game. I just wish they'd scrap the creation engine entirely.

Last edited by Chazore - on 28 June 2022

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"