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Marth said:

Upgrade was a success but so damn stresful.
Felt like an open heart surgery but without monitoring the patients vitals.

My case is not the biggest so working in it was a challenge. Especially getting the cables of the PSU through everything.
The Dark Rock Pro 4 is also suprisingly big and takes a lot of space, same goes for the red devil.
But everything fit in there it just was a mess to get the fans connected. Always had to remove something to get my fingers in there.

Still don't understand how those metal clamps to fix the fans to the heatsink are supposed to work.

So my case is now very full and my pc a very chonky boy. Ran a stresstest with prime95 + furmark and the psu did not care a bit.

But I found another problem. My CPU is currently thermal throtteling after a while. I susprect my airflow stalls at some point which causes the heatspike and the fans can't compensate. It also took my a few tries to get all my fan directions correctly. There should be a damn arrow in which direction fans blow tbh.

Currently I try to blow all the heat out the back but I am thinking about reversing that to pulling air in through that and use one blower to push hot air out the top.

But first I need to figure out if overheating only happens when CPU and GPU are on full output because that is a case that won't happen that often. So more monitoring is in order.

And now I am confined to a single monitor because they don't have Display Port. Need to order my new screens soon. Single 1080p screen for a 5950X and a 6800XT so yeah both are mostly bored at the moment :D

Congratulations! It's always a relief when you turn it on and it actually works.

I'm surprised the Dark Rock Pro 4 can't keep up with the 5950X. Maybe it's the airflow of the case, as you say.

Oh, and I wholeheartedly agree with you about the fans. They should wear a mark to let us know in which direction the air flows, especially since not all manufacturers follow the same rules.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.