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I guess the fact that you don't follow the Metal Gear Solid series explains the fact that you don't know that there is going to be a Metal Gear Solid 5 starring a new character -- the ninja Raiden and made by a new producer -- the ultimate Ninja producer himself Tomonoubo Itagaki.  And that Hideo Kojima is going on to reinvent Snatcher / Policenauts for a new generation on PS3 much as he did ten years ago with the MGS on PS1.


There were several press conferences held after the completion of MGS 4 in which Kojima stated that he was moving on to work on a special project (all Kojima fans know it should be a continuation of the Cyber Punk epics he began with Snatcher and Policenauts), yet even though Snake is retired, a new producer will be coming in to take over MGS 5 with the ninja Raiden, less than two weeks after that announcement Itagaki left Tecmo.


"It's over. But what about the sequel? The man has left the building. 5!"

Paraphrase from the end of the MGS 4 Japanese completion trailer. Released in early May 08. Covered by such gaming sites as IGN.