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Chrkeller said:
Cobretti2 said:

100% a full time job, but I guess we can all keep talking about it when it happens, no need to make a list out of it.

Even though this happened a few weeks ago now, still mind blowing and I can't understand why they can't push through change. The most heart breaking thing is that when you look at the photos of the victims, you can see they were at a point in their life where they were hoping their dreams would become realities and looked so happy. Old enough to start making some independent decisions of their own in life.  Not only that but this will have a trickle down effect on all the other kids at that school. Instead of being happy and aiming for their dreams without a worry in their mind to hold them back, they will constantly have this fear in the back of their minds what if another school shooting happens, will I be next to die?

When I was their age my biggest worry was which sport could I do that didn't involve me being at school at 7am to practice before class.  Such a trivial matter in the grand scheme of things, but that's how it should be for children of that age.

Guilt?  People opposed changed 10 years ago after Sandy Hook.  Not many are going to admit they were wrong for a decade plus, and have a whole bunch of blood on their hands.  

Wow I can't believe it's already been 10 years since Sandy Hook. It doesn't even feel like 10 years has gone by already.  This makes it even more disappointing that no change has happened.

When Australia changed it's gun laws it feels like the change happened a life time ago and no one really brings it up as a topic locally other than when a US massacre happens.

Imagine if changed happened in the US 10years ago, where would the US be now? Would people still be protesting they can't have semi automatics or would they be more like the rest of the western world with certain guns banned and licensing requirements and guns being in the back of their minds instead of at the forefront.