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sc94597 said:
Well this thread is all I could find, but I remember another where it had a chart from this one site.


The numbers in that thread don't really support your argument.  Most of the numbers being thrown around in that thread imply that ps3 games will cost 2-3x as much as a Wii game, aside form a few exceptions like Killzone 2.  Of course, they listed exceptions for the Nintendo side as well.  mrstickball mentioned Super Mario 64 (64, not Galaxy) costing $15 million, though I'm not sure how true that is.  I'm sure SMG cost loads as well.

Some last gen games were highly expensive.  FFXII cost $35 million, and I really doubt that FFXIII is going to cost 4x that, or $140 million, especially with Killzone 2, one of the most expensive games this gen (if not THE most expensive game this gen), only topping $40 million (though I'm sure it's closer to $50 million now).  Hell, even $100 million seems to high for FXIII.  Halo 3 only cost $60 million, and half of that went towards the biggest marketing campaign in the history of media entertainment.