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Cobretti2 said:
ConservagameR said:

"After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Ukraine held about one third of the Soviet nuclear arsenal, the third largest in the world at the time, as well as significant means of its design and production.[2] 130 UR-100N intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) with six warheads each, 46 RT-23 Molodets ICBMs with ten warheads apiece, as well as 33 heavy bombers, totaling approximately 1,700 warheads remained on Ukrainian territory.[3] Formally, these weapons were controlled by the Commonwealth of Independent States.[4] In 1994, Ukraine agreed to destroy the weapons, and to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT)."

Ukraine and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia

So the country who's made a terrible decision, who shouldn't have all the weapons because they're unnecessary, should give a bunch to Ukraine to help, but the country who had the means to defend themselves, gave up those means, which made them virtuous and civilized and was the right decision?

If Ukraine had nuclear weapons still, Russia would have sent a bigger force. Those nukes would have been in Russia's hands by now as Ukraine would never of used them t begin with. Dropping a nuke would have world level implications and they not insane enough to do it. So i the end it was the right decision.

That's not the point. Why does Russia and the USA have nukes then? Would they use them? The media seems to think people like Putin are crazy enough to do anything, yet even he never does anything that crazy. The nukes are mostly a deterrent and a push for negotiation. 

The bigger picture is the military and citizenry capability. When your nation doesn't see defense as a priority, this is the kind of thing that can happen. It's part of the reason why no nation would dare try to make landfall on American soil. Even if you gave the American military a run for it's money, you'd have tens to a hundred million armed Americans to deal with. It's just not worth the attempt. Yet if you wanted to invade Ukraine, what's stopping you really?