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Chazore said:

So over the weekend I decided to binge on some shipwreck stories, Titanic included, and it got me thinking;

Why don't we have a good amount of games based on maritime issues?. I know in the past few years we've had that Titanic VR demo, and the Medan game, but outside of that I haven't really seen much going on.

I imagine the Warships F2P game possibly featured the RMS Olympic class (the one that was repurposed during WWI), but I really have an itch for a game that deals with maritime issues, like Icebergs or collisions or anything similar to a ghost ship (I know there is Sea of Theives, but that's fantasy piracy themed).

Over the weekend I also learned of a maritime disaster that I feel was worse than the Titanic, that being the sinking of the SS Artic:


I know chances are high that we won't get many a game based on some of the worst disasters because it would come off as morbid and a disservice to the lives lost, but at the same time, we've had plenty of games based on real wars as well as chemical warfare. 

The problem with a game about a ship that has lots of troubles or disasters is harder to do than games with simiar premises but with other vehicles, and nearly impossibler without including some war theme to it. It's relatively easy to do that with a spaceship, suffering lots of troubles (solar flares, asteroid fields, low food/water, etc.) but, the more real you try to make it, the less sense it makes, because it's hard to have too many disasters coming together and not finding an island or continent to simply land and send to ship to hell.

You could try to replicate some of that in a war or fantasy setting, specially if you're using a submarine (more prono to have troubles with leaks and oxigen levels).

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.