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LordTheNightKnight said:
BengaBenga said:
Ok, I don't want to shatter your dreams, but there will never be a FFVII remake for Wii. Also not for PS3, unless sales start increasing dramatically.

Let me explain: FFVII is not only THE FF, it's also THE Square Enix game (and maybe even THE RPG). If a VII remake will ever come it has to be perfect. Wii is a great machine, but SE can't release a VII remake that looks a lot worse than 13, they just can't. Visuals are a very important aspect of the FF series and they'll want to make the most gorgeous game ver if they remake VII.

They'll also want to sell at least on par with the original, that means enormous Japanese sales are needed to achieve that. Unless the PS3 start selling a lot more than they are doing now, especially in Japan, it also won't see a VII remake.

Maybe next gen.


Sorry, but those reasons are faulty. S-E stated that the cost of remaking the game for the PS3 would be too much, sales or no. So they don't really feel the game has to look the best it can, or cost would not be an issue. Heck, the reason it was on the PS1 in the first place was to get around cost issues.

So economy would be the main factor, even though graphics would still be important. That would mean the PSP and the Wii, or both, would be the best bet, due to how both games are selling. The DS is only out because this is about a remake, not a port.


Got a link?