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Cobretti2 said:
ConservagameR said:

Everyone acts different when the camera is on. Many can't take the heat, and it's hard to blame them.

No win. That's very well put. I tend to agree.

If you're a cop, or any profession, and you think you're likely screwed either way now, the way to proceed is whichever harms yourself and your family and community the least. Which is extremely sad, especially when it comes to events like this, but that's what's happening to the US.

When people have to choose between themselves and others, when it comes down to it, most will pick themselves.

This is very true, even in life as general not just dangerous situations. I will keep my next statement as generic as possible in case some are on this site lol. There are many times I have helped people out where financially they gained from my help, instead of me if I was selfish. But when the shoe is on their foot, they don't reciprocate and try to gain financially on you if you say no they go elsewhere to do it lol. 

America, land of the free, and home of the get rich or die trying.