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sundin13 said:
ConservagameR said:

-Is trying to save lives and making a mistake murder?

-How old of a man can a cop shoot and get away with? A boy? A teen?

-We also live in a world where you should listen to the professionals. No matter the profession, no matter the situation.

If the doctors say or do something, you're supposed to just go along with it.

If the police do the same, you're supposed to pick them apart.

You call out a doctor, legitimately or not, and you're slammed.

You call out a cop, legitimately or not, and you're a hero.

As for the parents, if the cops let them in, and they got shot and killed by the shooter, who's fault would that be?

What if the parents made a mistake and killed one of the hostages?

My take away is I feel bad period. The entire event is very saddening. Everyone up in arms and no one seems to agree on anything.

1) Is trying to save lives and making a mistake murder? Depends on the mistake. And even if it isn't, if you accidentally kill a kid, you deserve to lose your job 99.9% of the time. 

2) How old of a man can a cop shoot? Depends on the circumstances.

3) We live in a world where you should listen to the professionals no matter what? False.

4) If the doctors say or do something, you're supposed to just go along with it? Depends what they are saying and whether this statement is supported by science and the medical community. There were plenty of grifter doctors spewing bad takes during Covid and there were thousands of people more than ready to call them out for their bullshit. What reality do you live in?

5) As for the parents, I agree that the cops shouldn't have let them in, but the reason they shouldn't have let them in is because the cops should have been in there doing their job. You however were the one who asked who would run into that building. I told you that there was basically a line of people ready to rush in. 

6) The reason no one seems to agree on anything is because so many people have garbage takes. Stop making the cowards standing outside while kids were getting murdered the victims maybe.

1. This is why you have so many bad cops, or better put, less useful cops. If that's the US attitude for mistakes, I'll pick another career then.

2. When it comes to school shootings. If the shooter is a boy or a teen, is it ok for a cop to just blow him away?

3. False, yes, but that's rarely how people seem to see it. Trust the professionals, or else, except when, and, or, etc?

4. There aren't any good doctors with bad takes? They are all always perfect?

5. That's not how things work. We have to let the professionals do their job, so we're told. That's why they're the professionals and we're not. The parents going in shouldn't even be a thought in their heads, and yes the cops should have been able to do their job more effectively, but they shouldn't have to worry about cancel culture on top of it, which they certainly do. It goes beyond policing itself.

6. I agree, but I believe the cops would say stop focusing so much on us and cancelling us, which we all know isn't going to happen. So both sides in this point don't get what they want either, because neither side will budge. So this is what we end up with.

Everything has it's repercussions.