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Cobretti2 said:
ConservagameR said:

Just a gut feeling, but in a world of cancel culture, with a growing focus on police enforcement over the past decade, I tend to believe more and more, cops are no doubt thinking twice about every move they make, based more and more on cancel culture. You just don't really see that because the media only shows you a tiny fraction of what happens with the police day to day since they tend to focus on one event where the cops seemingly did something really stupid.

If the cops just rushed in and blew the shooter away, saving more lives, odds are they would end up getting smeared, just in another, worse way, where their career(s) may be quickly ended due to some other outrage.

Why didn't they wait and think it through more? Why didn't they wait for the professionals? They could have saved that troubled young mans life!

Of course, there's the scenario where they burst in, the shooter, ready, guns down 4 or 5 kids because of it, or heaven forbid one of the cops makes a mistake due to rushing and injures or kills one of the hostages. Kiss your life goodbye officer.

Again, why didn't they wait in this scenario? Fire them all!

This shouldn't be the case, since it's police enforcement, but how many people, cops or not, can sit there and honestly say they would've just burst in immediately, full well knowing what could go wrong and how that could ruin your own life, not to mention everything connected to you. Your family, the department, etc.

The deeper you go, the sadder the entire situation looks to be, at least to me.

This scenario is a bit different in urgency for such worry but I guess overall you do make a valid point as this would be something they experience now in their day to day job on the street, so hard to get out of that mind set. How many times do we see people recording cops these days and then slamming edited videos up onto social media. This is the main reason I reckon why cops are wearing more and more high tech camera to try and protect themselves from scrutiny. However public perception won't change and they get slammed further when the findings of an investigate clears the police officer, like there is some conspiracy theory protecting them from the law.

Agree the more you think about this the sadder it is as it ends up being a no win situation no matter how you play out the scenario. 

Everyone acts different when the camera is on. Many can't take the heat, and it's hard to blame them.

No win. That's very well put. I tend to agree.

If you're a cop, or any profession, and you think you're likely screwed either way now, the way to proceed is whichever harms yourself and your family and community the least. Which is extremely sad, especially when it comes to events like this, but that's what's happening to the US.

When people have to choose between themselves and others, when it comes down to it, most will pick themselves.