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RolStoppable said:
cyberninja45 said:

Of course it deters wannabe massshooters, suicidal or not.

The more people armed around you the more likely your mass shooting attempt will fail.

Source: Basic common sense

Speaking of common sense, what's your explanation for the USA having such a tremendously higher rate of mass shootings than any other developed nation on this planet?

Treating kids like they're royalty doesn't help. Telling them they're super special and deserve everything they ever wanted doesn't help. Making more and more rules so kids don't have to face adversity doesn't help.

You can't have a young lion or tiger born in a zoo, fed like a king, only to eventually release it into it's natural wild ecosystem. Odds are extremely high it's going to die, one way or another, because it doesn't have what it needs to cope.

Many other countries don't cover events like the US does, and when they do, they do so in a much different fashion. The US makes it week long binge show extravaganza. Then there's the fact that so many other countries will show big events from US media, but the US won't show squat from elsewhere, unless of course the event can, outdo, what coverage the US has on tap presently.

I wanna be on TV is an insanely big deal in the US. So it's no wonder why some people will do what they do, knowing they won't just get their 15 minutes, they'll likely get an entire week. Sometimes offering a platform to project something isn't a good idea, some would say, though the media clearly doesn't agree, at least when it comes to themselves. Yet they're more than happy to point out who else shouldn't be given or getting a platform.

The US also has such a tremendously higher rate of many things vs other countries, both good and bad. That's basically baked into the American system. What other country constantly has the major high's and lows the US does when it comes to so many different things?