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Pemalite said:
cyberninja45 said:

Of course it deters wannabe massshooters, suicidal or not.

The more people armed around you the more likely your mass shooting attempt will fail.

Source: Basic common sense

If you see one kid beating another kid with a stick, you don't give the other kid a stick so they can both fight evenly, because you are encouraging that behavior.

You take -all- the sticks away.


The fact of the matter is, the United States is struggling with mass shootings, children are being killed.
More guns hasn't helped deter the situation as you have the most guns for a civilian population, more than twice as many as other developed nations.

So if more guns hasn't helped... What's something different you can try?


It's also pretty sad seeing people rag on police, I have worked alongside many officers over the years, no one wants to see dead children, the officers are human beings remember, with family, friends and a social life.

If officers hesitated or stepped away to avoid that, then I have the upmost respect for that decision, it's not for everyone, even if you are on the front lines daily, dealing with impacted children requires a very different mindset than dealing with Adults, it's not for everyone.

And that's the point I tried to get across. Not all officers are trained equal and have the mental capacity for such scenarios. We have seen evidence of that in the past how they have behaved in other scenarios across the US. 

A few years ago there was this video making the rounds of a guy with a crowbar who was drunk or on drugs. Now he was so out of it you could have casually walked up behind him and forced him down to the ground. But instead about 4 cops put about 12 rounds into him. I mean shit if you need to fire, put one in the arm the crowbar is in and he will drop it. then arrest.

Mean while in other countries you get outcomes like this:

Now I am not saying all police officers are bad in the US, but it seems like their either under trained, or they hire people not capable for the role because there isn't enough people filling positions and you end up in these situations where someone gets killed who shouldn't have been killed.

Perhaps this is part of the problem in the US that fuels the fear that cops are out to get you so you need guns to protect yourself.