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It's different per province. In Ontario, Canada it's

First CAD 45,142 ($35,662 / Euro 33,096) = 5.05%
CAD 45,142 to CAD 90,287 ($71,324 / Euro 66,194) = 9.15%
CAD 90,287 to CAD 150,000 ($118,495 / Euro 109,981) = 11.16%
CAD 150,000 to CAD 220,000 ($173,800 / Euro 161,312) = 12.16%
Over CAD 220,000 = 13.16%

This is on top of Federal tax

First CAD 49,020 ($38,723 / Euro 35,942) = 15%
CAD 49,020 to CAD 98,040 ($77,446 / Euro 71,887) = 21%
CAD 98,040 to CAD 151,978 ($120,059 / Euro 111,439) = 26%
CAD 151,978 to CAD 216,511 ($171,034 / Euro 158,760) = 29%
Over CAD 216,511 = 33%

That's on taxable income after deductions. Add Federal and provincial tax together to figure out how much you owe.
Min tax rate is thus 20.05% (after deductions, earn less than CAD 13,229 is no taxes), max tax rate is 45.16%

Sales tax is 13% in Ontario, most food items (basic groceries) are exempt from tax.

First Nations people get extra tax exemptions.

We pay about 44 cents tax per liter of gas. Independent of actual gas prices which are now about 2 dollars a liter
(was down to 75 cents a liter during the pandemic)

Then there is property tax which is about 1% of the value of what the county assesses your house at.

Sewer tax is included in the water bill, assuming all you use goes into the sewer... (You pay for sewer maintenance when watering your garden)

There's probably more but overall it's pretty good here, considering I moved here from The Netherlands.

Last edited by SvennoJ - on 30 May 2022