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Chazore said:

Yes, but I fail to see why games are being pressed more harder against with that law, than say, Russia sending agents to the UK to poison defectors tea with radiation poison and getting away with it, but when it's a character wearing a nurse outfit, all bets are off, do you see what I'm pushing here?.

I don't know what you think the Convention of Geneva is, but it's a series of rules about how to treat victims of war, wether civilians or wounded and captured soldiers. Spies poisoning civilians is not an act of war and the Convention of Geneva has nothing to do with it.

Chazore said:

There have been numerous times since the creation of the convention and there have also been times where it has not been enacted properly or to a full extent, and I see it being pushed onto gaming as an abuse of the law, when it is clearly not being pushed far, far harder in the real world, I actually find it batshit insane that this is even happening or is a thing, and I won't accept excuses for that level of insanity either (I truly am sorry, but I will die on this hill with valour, because I've seen the real world get away with chemical warfare and seeing this just makes me both angry and depressed at humanity). 

There are far more important matters the world should be attending to than a character's costume or a first aid box made up of pixels, for real...far bigger needs.

It isn't hard to realize that it's easier to control a product, like a movie or videogame, than a real war scene where one or both sides will try to hide what they're doing.

Also, let's not fool ourselves, when it comes to videogames, it's mostly used in shooters and other action based games, and not in the best way as I said in my earlier post.

And yes, there are lots of troubles in the world, but very few of them concern the Geneva Convention. You're focusing your anger in the wrong direction.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.