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sc94597 said:
JWeinCom said:

Israel is also the size of New Jersey, with compulsory military service for all citizens. Finding qualified guards there would be easier than placing an armed guard in each school in rural Texas. There are 98,755 public schools in the US. And there are always going to be other soft targets. Can't arm everyone, no matter how much some would like that.

Notice that I said, "I personally don't think teachers should be forced to carry guns" and "Albeit all Israelis are conscripted into the military for two years." 

Also notice how I never advocated arming everyone. My original proposal was to replace police (who are white-supremacist or at the very least have implicit bias and are unreliable at protecting people anyway) with community defense organizations that are actually tasked with protecting people and not merely enforcing property law. 

I didn't say you said either of those things. I didn't even mention teachers, I was referring to guards. And no, I didn't notice you said anything about military service, because you struck that part out, which I took as a sign to ignore.

Last edited by JWeinCom - on 27 May 2022