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Why Kingdom Hearts III Might Go To The Wii:

In 2002 the Kingdom Hearts series launched. You know what people thought about it? That it was going to fail because of its casual apperance. Since the PS2 was a casual system, guess what happened. It went on to become a multi-million seller. This was since that people did not see it as a hardcore game. It was seen as casual because of its quirky characters and TV icons. The Wii has seen incredible success with the casual market. Putting Kingdom Hearts on the Wii would be a great move since most of the casual demograph would see Donald Duck and quirky characters and what casual would not buy that? If it went on to the PS3, the people who would buy it would be its die hard fans, a significantly smaller market than the casual buyers.

If it goes to the Wii, it will have monstorous sales. This is pretty much a no-brainer. Since the Wii has the casual fanbase that Square Enix is looking for, you can pretty much guarantee that the game will sell millions. The Wii is expected to outsell the PS2, and the PS3 will be lucky to pass the NES. With a console upwards of a hundred million, it would be insane not to release it. It also does not make sense to go multi-platform. At the absolute earliest, Kingdom Hearts III will release in 2010, and by then the Wii will be ahead of the PS3 and 360 combined. Multiplatform means they would have to use the two completely different engines of the Wii and PS3 and make Kingdom Hearts 3 out of scratch for both of them. Not only could this potentially make the game release later, it could also cost a lot of money and they might not see all of it back.

And I hear some people saying that if it goes to the Wii, the gameplay and graphics and story would suffer. I toss this away as ignorant bullcrap. The Wii is much, much more powerful than the PS2. And the PS2 was not even the most powerful console to release Kingdom Hearts for. If graphics truly mattered, they would release it for the Xbox. And Kingdom Hearts does not rely on realism, it relies on art style. I'm sure the Wii could pull nice art style for Kingdom Hearts. And some say Kingdom Hearts is cutscene heavy and can not work for the Wii. Once again, the Wii is more powerful and can handle the cutscenes for Kingdom Hearts and make them twice as nice as Kingdom Hearts II. And for the gameplay. If it is released for the Wii, I do not think that Square Enix would make the WiiMote for the Keyblade as the only choice. They could offer many different control schemes for it, such as the one I just mentioned, mapping the commands to the different buttons/movements on the WiiMote, and using the command menu.

Final Word: The Wii is the most logical choice for Kingdom Hearts III.

Kimi wa ne tashika ni ano toki watashi no soba ni ita

Itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte

Sugu yoko de waratteita

Nakushitemo torimodosu kimi wo

I will never leave you