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souixan said: I really didn't mean to cause any problems I was just trying to make a difficult choice
It's not your fault souixan and it has nothing to do with your post. I guess the mods are finally getting tired of Kwaad's behavior. As for your original question it seems that since you already have a Wii and you want JRPGs the most the next logical system to get would probably be the other Japanese system, the PS3. Unless the 360 stages a huge comeback in Japan I doubt a lot of the smaller Japanese developers would make many JRPGs for the relatively small amount of 360 customers over there. Mistwalker's Blue Dragon is a good start but it's likely they are heavily being supported by Microsoft. Honestly I think a lot of the smaller JRPG developers like Nippon Ichi and Game Arts will be attracted to the Wii for it's relatively low development costs and it's recent success, but it's possible that will change. Over time the niche developers will always flow toward the system with the largest install base and I think a Wii/PS3 combo is a pretty safe bet, especially for the JRPG lovers out there. Of course I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a DS too... Dragon Quest IX is coming out exclusively for the DS.