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Captain_Yuri said:

Lol, Yea don't get me started with the amount of dumb things I have to deal with on the Switch.

Like for example, the eshop. Anytime I want to browse for a game, it's so damn slow. Like I swear, it scrolls at like 2fps. And to make matters worse, there is no shopping cart. So that means if I go to the Deals section to browse games and I want to buy multiple, I have to deal with the slow ass scrolling, buy one, do the whole check out nonsense, then go back to deals and either find the other game that caught my eye or search for it.

Why can't I just have a shopping cart? Like seriously? It's such a basic feature! But no...

It's pretty dumb how much functionality the wiiU had back in 2013 compared to the Switch in 2022. Like yes, the Switch has sold 100+ million but in terms of features and functionality, it's laughable.

I legit hate that you have to go through multiple pages of the Eshop to get to the thing you want, like DLC for example is a pain. Also doesn't help that the eshop doesn't have perma filters like Steam does, so I'm always stuck every single time, having to sift through all the mobile and freemium crap that has littered the eshop (while on Steam the vast majority of it is blocked/ignored on my end forever). 

Also joycon drift in eshop is a nightmare and a curse, because the last thing you wanna do is scroll, have the stick drift at the last second and you accidentally hitting the A button to buy shit...

Also yeah, why the fuck is not having a shopping cart treated like it's the norm, when it clearly isn't lmao. EGS got away with it for years and it seems Nintendo has as well, like what backwards ass thinking. 

Looking back, the Wii U's UI actually looked a lot more lean and cleaner, as well as being able to fully organise shit the way you wanted, same goes for 3DS as well (god I miss proper folders, not the weird ones the Switch hides from you). 

I also hate the lack of customisation on Switch for say, themes and background. 3DS had those late in it's life cycle, but I still loved having a Sonic theme and sound fx, and of course, the same goes for my PSP, which I modded to fuck with icons, sounds and wallpapers. 

The other consoles are like "nah, you have to buy what shit we give you", instead of letting you customise it all for free like I was able to with the PSP, and of course, Steam. 

I mean it's cool that they finally got to support VRR, but shit man, there's still tons of functionality not being included with these new consoles and Switch, and I really want that, and it's why I'm likely to just stick with PC and hardly bother with consoles ever again. Switch def feels like my last ever commitment to a console, and it's def left a sour taste, and it isn't helped by the Deck getting this level of support over a few months, which takes console creators a whole gen or two to adapt upon. 

Last edited by Chazore - on 10 May 2022

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"