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JackHandy said:
Leynos said:

If you're ignorant to his work then why post? A lot of people played those games. Policenauts theme is in the intro of Metal Gear Solid. Policenauts has Meryle. Snatcher has a Metal Gear before Metal Gear. ZOE,Policenauts take place in the MG universe long after the MG games happened. I don't mean this next sentence in a malicious way but Nintendo fans are the most ignorant fanbase as a general rule to games/series outside Nintendo. So this isn't surprising.

Anyone who's old enough to have been there when the MGS2 demo dropped will remember ZOE, for sure. It (ZOE) was that "weird" robot game that we all had to buy so we could play the MGS2 demo... until we realized it wasn't that weird at all, but in fact, a great game. 

Such a smart marketing ploy on the part of Konami. 

And if the Dreamcast didn't fail it would have been a DC game funny enough as Enders Zone. But if that happened no MGS2 demo. SO I guess it worked out for the best for ZOE at least. led to us getting a sequel and boy what a sequel.

Bite my shiny metal cockpit!