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Let's go with the Friday news!


The new Humble Bundle is The X Universe Collection, with up to 10 games form the franchise to get during the next 12 days:

Fanatical has three new deals:




Sekiro gets a 6GB Mod, adding more world decoration and NPC wars
Modder ‘Nick’ has released a pretty cool mod for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. This mod is 6GB in size, aiming to decorate the world and add NPC wars that begin to take place all over Ashina when the first invasions begin.
According to the modder, locations leading to Ashina castle will be more heavily guarded. Small to large scale NPC battles begin showing up in the Outskirts, at the castle, and castle gate fortress once the first invasion begins.
Additionally, this mod shakes up enemy placements from vanilla. It also makes Senpou Temple’s distant model 100% spatially accurate and viewable from more places.
Lastly, it’s worth noting that the mod adds secret grapple points for traversal.

This Half-Life 2: Episode Two Mod aims to bring back HL2’s beta maps
BogdanNikola and a team of modders is currently working on Half-Life Remnants, a mod for Half-Life 2: Episode Two that aims to bring back HL2’s beta maps.
Although there isn’t any ETA on when this mod will come out, the team has released a new dev diary for it. As it claimed, the older maps of Half-Life Remnants have either gotten a small or total revamp in the visual or gameplay department.

This mod turns Elden Ring into a seamless co-op adventure
My experiences trying to play Elden Ring with real-life friends have been as arduous as my journey to the Erdtree. Just as I think I'm getting closer I fall into a ravine, or discover that there's a whole new land between me and my goal. Such is the struggle of getting co-op working that I wonder if all those disconnects, invasions, summon signs failing to appear, and inability to ride horses or fast-travel together are part of the game's grand message on the necessity of suffering.
Well I say 'hooey' to all that and let me play LukeYui's mod instead, which turns Elden Ring into a seamless co-op game (thanks, PCGamesN). The mod, which is still a work-in-progress, claims to remove "all multiplayer boundaries and allows for connections to persist after death.”


F1 22 is coming to PC on July 1st, official PC system requirements revealed
Electronic Arts has announced that F1 22 will release on July 1st on PC. Additionally, the publisher has revealed the official PC system requirements for this new F1 racing game.
>> The CPU requirements are low, as well as the GPU ones... unless you want to use RT, of course.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.