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Okay, so after going through the multiple deep dives for the new WoW expansion, I think they finally got me:

Yes, yes I am going to play as the derg, and have all the spikes made possible.

Also I really love how they've gone back to classic-style talent trees, as well as completely revamping professions and those who don't craft, now being able to make commissions at the auction house (also crafted items now have quality levels).

The flying system for the new expansion looks sick and definitely feels like it has more weight and substance compared to Vanilla WoW flying, that we've had for 18 years.

New UI looks alright, but it feels hit n' miss with me, mostly thanks to me having rolled with Elv UI for the past 5 yrs and bartender UI editor for the past decade. I could give it a shot, but unless they've sorted out how quest text appears, I might not touch it (Immersion addon seriously makes quest and NPC text immersive compared to book-style quest text).

What I want from this expansion is a good story, no big baddy that's "misunderstood", or mary sue style writing, just an honest to god, Wrath-like plot, that actually grips me from beginning to end. So far the opening cinematic is holding up, and I really do appreciate Blizz's art team, they really know how to keep me in awe with their cinematics and level zone designs. 

Kinda bummed that the expansion isn't due till next year, and we're not even through the halfway point of 2022. At least Classic Wrath is coming out this year, and I'll very likely hop into that (since Wrath was my last all time fave expansion). 

Last edited by Chazore - on 20 April 2022

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"