Kyuu said: Even after the Zenimax and AB acquisitions, I'd bet Microsoft would still be behind Sony in sales for exclusives/console exclusives, especially if their games do make GamePass day and date, which would increase subscriptions at the cost of lower sales (but possibly higher overall revenue). Counting MS game sales on Playstation consoles should put them above Sony's level, but it will not be a threat whatsoever coz they'll continue to sell Playstation systems for Sony who will also get their (30%?) cut. With Bungie in the mix, Sony has never been in a better position as far as 1st party studios. And it shouldn't surprise anyone if they announce one or two more big acquisitions along the lines of FromSoftware. Their only obvious challenge atm is production. I don't know what's going on but Microsoft is kicking their ass right now in production, and this advantage could snowball into trouble for PS5's potential and mindshare. Sony could have comfortably had their best generation; I think they still have this potential if they manage to sort things out within 12 months, otherwise it's unlikely. |
They have to buy Kadokawa first.
Kyuu said: Imagine still being stuck at Killzone Shadow Fall (2013) and Playstation Allstars (2012). If you can't see that Sony will be able to create/fund at least one or two new major MP centric games/series this generation, then you're all in for a rude awakening. In addition to acquiring Bungie, several Sony studios are already working on MP/GaaS projects, and they're investing big on 2nd party and large independant studios to make their own ambitious/AAA MP projects, which I imagine most will make it on PC, some at launch and others at later dates. PC is essential for them to succeed here. It isn't far fetched that Microsoft's threat of taking major MP games away from Playstation could compell Sony to try even harder to address one of their weaknesses (which was masked by the likes of Call of Duty). Without Playstation, Zenimax/AB games popularity would decline drastically anyways, so the competition wouldn't be against CoD, or The Elder Scrolls, or Fallout as we know them. |
MP games? Well, MS, even Nintendo already did that long ago.
PotentHerbs said:
You're talking about Sony games from a time period where Microsoft didn't own TES, Minecraft, or Call of Duty. Why would Killzone or PS All Stars be relevant now when Sony owns Bungie? |
So Bungie can make replacement to all of these: CoD, TES, Minecraft, Doom, Wolfenstein, Fallout, Sypro, Crash, Skylanders???