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Tales of the world Radient Mythology
While the "tales of" franchise as a whole is in a bery good place, I would like to see a return to the "world" spinoff
I really loved 1, and even learned Japanese to play 3, and that one is even better.

Old school bomberman
Because konami is konami, and konami is the worst, bomberman has more or less fallen away in recent years, my favorite game was tournament on the gameboy, followed by party on PS1, and after seeing a speedrun of bomberman 64 reminded me how much I just adore the series.

Magical starsign/vacation
A pretty obscure JRPG, the original was only released in japan, with its sequel coming west on the DS.
Starsign is the oldest game I still own and is just charming.

Pokemon mystery dungeon
This I know is a weird one pokemon is always popular I know, but I find the PMD fanbase, while big, only really crawls out of the ground whenever a new game is announced.
I would also like a better game, rescue team were a good first attempt, explorers was almost perfect imo, we don't talk about gates, super was ok, recue team DX, could have been better

Star wars force unleashed
While the game itself was ok, I would like to see more star wars games that played like it.
The ps360 versions felt so satisfying to me and I'm sad that it's the sub par wii version that is getting ported.

Honourable mentions to

Xenogears and Xenosaga


Mod nation racers

Rune factory

Last edited by Kneetos - on 17 April 2022