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Since I'm sure everyone is really curious about it, here's a workout update.

I swam just short of 2 miles today (about 65 lengths of an olympic size pool). Honestly didn't know I'd gone that far. If I knew I was that close, I could have easily done the few extra lengths. Felt fine afterwards. Slightly tired but not like wanting to throw up like I was a month ago. Weightlifting is kind of stagnant. Increasing the weights very slowly since I can't really put on muscle right now since my goal is losing fat.

And that's going... pretty meh. I've lost about ten pounds this year which is not terrible for three months, but not great. I think I'm going to start blaming it on my antidepressants. Past weight loss attempts have been way quicker with less exercise and about the same eating. Granted I'm a little older, but it shouldn't be that huge of a difference. Hoping to lose another ten before going on vacation in May to celebrate the end of grad school, because I will be eating everything.