Hey guys! So believe it or not I don't own a Switch yet, but I've been tempted to buy one as I saved up a couple of coupons I got from work for the holidays.
So the situation is like this, these are the prices for the various Switch models in my country:
Lite: 270usd
Regular: 430usd
OLED: 500usd
The coupons I saved are for 220usd. Up front this means I could get a new Switch Lite for 50usd (!) And that's what I'm currently thinking of getting. My main concerns are possible drift down the line (we have 2 year warranties here, but I'm not sure if the drift repair would be free after), and the possibility of occasionally wanting to play on a bigger screen (even though most of the time I'd play portably). I like the smaller form factor since I'd mostly be playing on the bus or between classes at Uni.
At the same time if I wanted to get one of the other models, I lean more to the OLED because of the better display, but then I'd have to spend quite a bit more.
I'm trying to save up for a car at the moment (not super critical but would prefer to have one sooner than later), so I'm not sure what the best option is. I still have some games in my 3ds backlog so I have some time to think.