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Dulfite said:
SvennoJ said:

I wish people would stop reducing everything to black and white, good vs evil. This stuff is also disgusting and will create more animosity for years if not generations.

As for the choice let the invaders in, settle in, then peacefully try to remove or convert them vs all out resistance, that choice has already been made. There's not really a way back now. If you had done nothing from the start, the soldiers would have been very reluctant to kill anyone or destroy anything.

But true, then all people in power would have been removed and replaced with new puppets, people moved around, many displaced likely. And it would have taken many years of inside and outside pressure to begin trying to get self governance back. Meanwhile anyone with a protest voice would have ended up in a Syberian gulag.

Yet now there are tons of dead people, millions displaced, billions of damage to the infrastructure. The country is effectively set back decades and will take several generations to repair once the war is over.

There is no good outcome. One reduces the loss of life, the other reduces to loss of freedom. Some people value life more, others value freedom more. Option one only works if everyone values life more than who is in / takes charge. It's not a realistic option. Everything in our history, media and what not screams freedom > life. So the only way 'out' is to repel the invaders. The question is how to do it while minimizing losses.

Nothing is EVER white, most countries are grey, but occassionally a country is black. So it isn't black and white, but rather black and gray.

Hitler's Germany was black, Japan's treatement of the Chinese in WW2 was black, Stalin's USSR was black, France's Reign of Terror was black, ISIS is black, North Korea is black, Early USA slaugtering Native Americans was black as well as having slaves, China is black, and yes, Putin's Russia is black.

What are some examples that make a country black?

- Attaching dissidents to canons to let their bodies explode like the North Koreans do.

- Genocide against any people group like the Chinese, Hitler's Germany, and USSR did.

- Putin's Russia using weapons that suck out oxygen from the lungs and many times cause lungs to explode, carpet bombing indiscriminately, jailing and murdering dissidents and political opponents within the nation who aren't doing anything illegal. The comprehensive list of all the universal evils Russia has committed in the last two weeks alone is insane. Hitler didn't even move at this fast of a pace to turn his nation into an anyone-against-me-is-evil-and-must-die state. Some things are black, and Putin's Russia is absolutely, without a doubt, universally, objectively, flat out, any-other-redundant-word-to-let-this-point-hit-home, black.

I don't disagree with you at all about that. My point of reducing everything to black and white was in relation to the article I linked. When 911 happened, muslims became victims of harassment and hate crimes, and now it's Russians. It's that kind of tribalism that keeps this shit going.