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I can't understand how someone could just say Ukraine should give up. That they don't get why are they still fighting. Why are they willing to die fighting instead of just accepting Russia's terms.

It's specially hurting because everything these people have, all the rights and freedom they enjoy today... Those were not accomplished by just bowing and avoid conflict and death. Workers could have just bowed and keep working 16 hours a day for 5 dolars a day instead of fighting and putting their lifes at risk. Women could have just stayed quiet in the kitchen instead of fighting for their rights. The allies could have just bowed to Germany and let them conquer at will to avoid many deaths on their own countries.

But doing so would have meant giving up on our freedom. Our humanity. And condemning the coming generations with a future where they will live their whole lifes in miserable conditions and under the rule of some bullies.

If Ukraine gives up... If Ukraine accepts all of Russia's demands... Ukraine will lose its identity. They will lose democracy, and with it, their sovereing power. They will become a puppet of Russia. And worst of all: Russia will think they will be able to do the same to other ex URSS countries and get away with it. It would set a very dangerous precedent.

But if Ukraine keeps fighting and we keep helping them in every way we can... We will not only show Russia that they cannot take everything they want without a massive beatdown of both their army and economy: we give the ukrainian people a chance of keeping their identity and freedom.

I don't want anyone to die. I don't want anyone to have to leave their homes. But sometimes we have to put our lives on the line in order to fight for not only our own future, but the future of our children. Many workers at factories died for asking more rights. Many soldiers and civilians died on WWII fighting for their freedom. Many women died for asking for equality. But as sad as those deaths were... Their fight was not wrong. And I'm proud of them all, because thanks to them we all live in a better world.

I'm proud of Ukraine because they are fighting against tirany and for their future. And all I can do is encourage them and wish they can prevail in the end and show Russia that their actions will not be tolerated.