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mZuzek said:
curl-6 said:

It could be worse though; they do still show consistent improvement from one entry to the next, at least.

Nah, they don't.

Graphic: gen 9 > gen 8 > gen 7 > gen 6. They don't in what way?

Pemalite said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

Bold: Maybe to you, not to everyone. 

Objectively it doesn't look fine.
Comparatively with other products on the market... It also doesn't look fine.
Even when comparing games on Nintendo's previous console (WiiU) it also doesn't look fine.

HoangNhatAnh said:

Bold 2: For Game Freak, it is.

That is apologist rhetoric.

HoangNhatAnh said:

Bold 3: If it's about gameplay, sure. The graphic is fine for now.

I agree gameplay is absolutely the numero, number 1 factor.

However... Consider how many 10's of millions of copies a Pokemon game typically sells during it's lifetime, they can afford competent visuals.

HoangNhatAnh said:

Bold 4: I still enjoy many 2D indie games with NES graphic no problem. To me, quality gameplay >>> graphic.

No one plays a NES game and thinks "Amazing visuals". Not today anyway, in the 80's they did.
They do play them for the nostalgia and the art.

That doesn't mean the games are bad or unplayable, far from it, in-fact they often have a sought-after retro charm to them due to the pixel-art work... Because that is the key thing here. Shit hardware meant a bigger focus on art... But Pokemon has neither Art or Graphical Fidelity to hide it's flaws.

You are pushing your own standard of graphic on everyone here, it still looks fine to most of us despite what you claimed.

Last edited by HoangNhatAnh - on 03 March 2022