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It was reported a few days back that Russia was spending $20B a day for the war. This was when it was reported that only 1/3 of soldier massed at frontier had entered Ukraine we could bet it's way higher now.
But let say it still $20 B/Day. After 5 days it's $100B. This does not account capital loss due to Ruble crashes, revenue loss due to reduced exportation, frozen assets and others.
Factor in all of this and the real cost comes in the $T figure for sure.
You would think that with so many obvious world problems right now there would be a better way to spend such money, one where Russia would even be cheered for.

With $100B you could create a 75GW solar farm, which is about the same as the installed capacity of Mexico. Which would save 2 362 Mt of Co2 over the farm lifetime (about 25 years).
The equivalent of removing nearly 420M car from the roads.
With electricity sold at a low 0.1$/kwh the project could break even in 6 or 7 years (more like 10 years if factoring in maintenance cost and initial land purchase) and generate enormous profits afterwards.

With a little more than $100B you could finance 1 year of free health care for all russians.

With $100B you could remove 20Mts of plastic from the ocean (probably way more than this as such an investment will dramatically reduce the cost per kilo which is about 5$ as of now)

$100B represent about 30% of the cost of permanently solving world hunger or directly providing food securities to the world for many years (estimate vary greatly for this one).

Instead Russia decided to use $100B to :
Kill (so far) 644 Ukranians
Loose 5000+ of their relatives
Loose $T+ worth of revenue, assets and valuation.
Unify the western world (and to some extent nearly all of the world) against themselves.

This can only be the result of a mad mind drunk on power.
I truly hope this is the last surge of energy from a dying regime.