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Legend11 said:
Sri Lumpa said:
Konami -> MGS4 = Capcom -> RE4

Looks like Konami didn't learn the lesson from Capcom's mistake with RE4.

Capcom announced RE4 would be ported to PS2 before the GC version came out, thus seriously lowering the potential GC sales (people waiting for the PS2 version rather than buy a GC for it) and lowering the potential PS2 sales because by the time it came out on PS2 it was old news.

I don't remember Capcom making that announcement before they released the GC version. In fact I bought a GC just to play RE4 because at the time all Capcom was saying was that it was exclusive (Yeah I know I got suckered into buying Nintendo consoles twice.. Once for Goldeneye and the other for RE4.. my bad and never again will I be fooled by them).


Apparently you didn't pay much attention, this is from the Wikipedia article. 

On October 31, 2004, Capcom officially announced that Resident Evil 4 would come to the PlayStation 2 near the end of 2005, citing increased profit, changing market conditions, and increased consumer satisfaction as the key reasons (this, and that Capcom was equally pleased with the sole sales of Resident Evil Outbreak). Resident Evil (remake) and Resident Evil Zero would remain GameCube exclusives. Mr. Mikami did not, in fact, cut off his own head.