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EpicRandy said:
forest-spirit said:

Putin most likely didn't expect the Ukrainians to fight back this hard. Even if Ukraine falls (which, unfortunately is likely to happen) it won't be the glorious victory he had been hoping for.

Yep, this is also what I think. I would add that Ukraine falling does not necessarily mean victory for Russia. The way I see it is every tanks, helicopter, plane they lost and every casualties they endure comes at a great cost which reduce their ability to occupy the land afterward. This compounded with the fact that their ability to finance themselves are greatly crippled make's it only a matter of time before Ukraine slip from Russian grasp once more. 

In all scenario that I can think of, Russia only end up loosing in the end as even with total capitulation from Ukraine the cost would still vastly outweighs benefits and eventually Ukraine will rise again independent weather it's in a year or 10 years or more. Once that happens nothing else other than casualties and socio-economics impacts will be left for Russia. 

Ryuu96 said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

Maybe no to you, but yes to us. We - Vietnamese - know how dangerous US are since their invasion in the past.

And Nato was created to deal with Russia and their allies.

What went on in Vietnam is frankly irrelevant to what is going on now, yes, the Vietnam War was wrong but it is an entirely different scenario, it is ridiculous to compare Vietnam to Russia, to compare invading a country like Vietnam to invading frigging Russia, an absolute massive army, a nuclear capable country that has the potential to nuke most of the West, it's a ridiculous comparison, I'll repeat again to be extra clear that nobody wants a war with a nuclear capable country.

You're right and now there's 30 members in NATO...With even more being convinced into joining thanks to Russian aggression, maybe we aren't the problem here? I know America did wrong to Vietnam but you are letting that anger blind you and going as far to defend Russia of all countries, a country which is INVADING a sovereign country, they have the right to choose who they want to ally themselves with.

How would you feel if Russia invaded Vietnam, killed thousands of your people, destroyed your cities, to 'protect' you from America? C'mon dude, you should know better than anyone. Your country was invaded and of course that upsets you so why are you defending the invader in this scenario?!

Putin warned them many times, but they ignored it. Now he has no choice but does what is necessary for his country before Nato/US have any chance to threat Moscow.

Barozi said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

Maybe no to you, but yes to us. We - Vietnamese - know how dangerous US are since their invasion in the past.

And Nato was created to deal with Russia and their allies.

Your double standards are hilarious.

Russia is invading another country right now!

I bet you would care if that country was Vietnam and not Ukraine.

Vietnam isn't an ungrateful like Ukraine. Lenin to Ukraine is Ho Chi Minh to Vietnam. 

What you said reminded me of US, when they suddenly attacked Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria and Lybia.

Pemalite said:
HoangNhatAnh said:

Ukraine shares the border with Russia, when they join Nato, US will have the right to put their army at Ukraine, it's very near Moscow - a big threat to Russia. As a leader, Putin must act to protect Russia.

No closer than Belarus. - Still 800kilometers/500 miles.

Russia want's Ukraine for it's resources to be self sufficient.

Either way, NATO is and will always be on Russias doorstep, it's just a political excuse to justify certain actions to placate people.

In Vietnam, people hate war, but many people also understand the reason why Putin attacked Ukraine, so we don't side with either. We feel sory for innocent people in Ukraine, but they also made a big mistake for voting a comic actress as their leader. That's what Vietnamese have been said in many forums. When it come to politic, the safety and the benefit of one country can't be taken lightly.

Also, Belarus is Russia's ally, quite different.

~Thread Banned - Ryuu96

Last edited by Ryuu96 - on 26 February 2022