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Thanks for posting this. The rhetoric fed to us by our media and politicians that America and police are overwhelmingly racist is often blatantly exaggerated, sensationalized, and even falsified. They’re trying to divide us, bc the polarization of America is to their benefit. Republicans and Fox News definitely do it, too, but from my view, trying to divide us based on race is egregious and reprehensible.

Are there race-related issues in the US? Absolutely. But it seems to me like there’s never any real attempt to truly fix these issues. And when you think about it, why would Democrats want to fix the issues? Then, they would lose a major advantage in elections. All of our largest, highest crime cities have been run by Democrat governors for how many years? And what real changes and improvements have we seen? It appears clear as day to me that Democrats and liberal media cheaply use the Black and Hispanic population for the sake of votes. Anyone with open eyes and mind and a lack of bias can see the pandering they do. It’s identical to what Republicans do to pander to Christians. It’s all about votes, money, and control. The sooner we all see the lies and deception of our politicians and media, the sooner we can improve as a country.