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DonFerrari said:

Chazore is dismissing all the issues as non-issues. Like suddenly PC gamers are ok with 30fps, semi-portable but no great battery etc.

Sure I can see it being the best one available on a market that well only have bad HW available, that is on smaller PCs. But when we have had PSP, PSVita and Switch as portables that are acceptably near console level games (and in case of switch it is also equivalent to console in some aspects) then it is hard to defend the mistakes in design or sacrifices. Like if you make the portable so big (and well the screen isn`t as big) then do it properly for battery life (one of my main issues with smartphones is they having giant screens but ultra thin, while it could be a tad bulkier to have double the battery life).

On price we go back to the point that on PC space the HW are being sold for a good premium, and it is good that SteamDeck isn`t going the same way, but I guess it still have a premium.

How am I "dismissing" said issues, and what issues are those even, that aren't Steam machine related or related to past history of Valve dealing with manufacturers (not to be confused with vendors). 

There are plenty of PC gamers out there who play at various framerates of their choosing. I merely pointed out to Mumm that there are games out there capped at 30fps and even 60fps on PC, that simply cannot be uncapped, and somehow 30fps is a problem?. The main problem is games being capped on purpose by the devs, not the user choosing what framerate they wish to play at. 

The other handheld devices aren't terrible, and that doesn't make the Deck shine by default, what makes it shine is that it's using their own OS, their choice of hw and the fact it's already showing gains with the current tests being done with the OS by devs themselves and reviewers testing out via their own benchmarking. 

Why do we even need to argue the Deck's design as some "objective" negative that "cannot be defended"?. They chose the layout they wanted, and while that's not everyone's cup of tea, that doesn't make the design so bad that it's doomed.

There are plenty of devices out there on the market that don't have the best battery life, and that's something manufactures/scientists are just going to have to power through over time. You don't just snap your fingers and have a battery that trumps all over, those things take years to come up with. 

The Deck has only one premium option going for it at the moment, and that also includes a different type of screen/memory, which is fair, because that kind of screen isn't cheap, and they likely don't have access to the premium internal memory, to make it cheaper and built in the millions. You have to remember that Valve is not a 1 to 1 copy of Sony, where they make console hw, sell it at a loss and then cut corners on getting parts cheaper down the line, or even waiting for cheaper parts at all.

You need to let that part of your logic go, because they are not the same.

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"