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the cell didn't go straight from the chalk board straight into ps3s. we were hearing about it long before launch and studios needed them to make their games with so that they knew what the hell they were doing, so it is 3 years old minimum, maybe 4 or 5. Also, seeing as how old it is and how developers are still striving to get even more out of it, it does bode well for its long life time. and of course you wouldn't know what sony means when they say 10 year console, it doesn't mean they are going to put games out for it for 10 years or force retailers to try and sell it for ten years, it is they will support it for 10 years with replacement parts and fixes if it breaks and you don't want to or can't buy a new one. the ps1 didn't stay on store shelves for the last couple years of its 10 year life, hell most people probably forgot about it when the news came that sony was going to stop supporting it.