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IcaroRibeiro said:
Valdney said:

If Wind waker is a good example of a good story driven Zelda game in good demand, then why are  sales  so pathetic? Why  does the HD version with all the improvements have even more pathetic sales??  The data is crystal clear, Puzzelda doesn’t hold a candle  to open world Zelda. And most importantly: open world Zelda lights the world on fire and moves hardware, lots of it. 

OoT is a different beast.  OoT is a great game indeed, and it still carries a lot of what makes the older titles great. 

It was released on both Game Cube and Wii U, consoles with userbase 4 to 8 times smaller than Switch and you ask me why it had "pathetic" sales? For the record, Wind Waker was the 4th best selling Game Cube game (over 4.4 million copies), and the 9th best selling Wii U game (over 2.8 million copies)

The original Legend of Zelda sold about 6 million copies, and the next one 4 million copies in a system with much bigger userbases than both GC or Wii u. Should I assume those sales are also pathetic and BOTW is the only one quality open world Zelda that's why the sales are good?

Bold: 2.35mil