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hinch said:

1080P for PS5/XSX for performance (60FPS) mode is pretty awful. And looking at the performance charts on PC, looks to be a super demanding game. It does look nice though.

@Chazore Yeah I mean I got a free transfer on one of my mains (EU) on one of my old characters on a dead server, so its not so bad in some cases. Though transfers don't solve the issue of server/realm imbalance so a x-faction play was kinda needed. Also a lot of people aren't willing to spend money to transfer their toons so they can play the game, so many quit. 

I kinda dabbled with both but my friends always want to go Alliance for some reason lol. Tbh I'd want them to remove the language barrier eventually since its quite annoying that you can't chat to the opposing faction without making a new character on Retail or the server's Discord.

It took me some years and a few transfers to figure that me moving from dead server to dead server wasn't going to last forever, so I stopped bothering with it and stuck myself with an EU horde dominated one. Only annoying issue with it is, is that the damn thing reached a high player cap, which means you're stuckin line (though thankfully that doesn't happen much these days, what with SL being in the gutter atm). 

They really should remove the barrier, because we both know that lore-wise, all races have spoken English to one another, save for the semi recent alien/insect style races (the ones with less intellect). 

I guess their original excuse was that they didn't want both factions to spam swears and insults at one another, and thought no one on the same side would ever rage at their own faction players...oh boy was that ever wrong:

Step right up come on in, feel the buzz in your veins, I'm like an chemical electrical right into your brain and I'm the one who killed the Radio, soon you'll all see

So pay up motherfuckers you belong to "V"